Five Tools To Learn as a Java Developer

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author Ranga Karanam September 03, 2019 2 minutes

In this article, we introduce you to five great tools that we recommend every Java Developer to learn.

Java Programmer Essentials

As we go towards microservices architectures, what should a Java Programmer learn?

This is the second article in series of six articles on Java Programmer Essentials :

Learn Jenkins

Jenkins is not a new tool, and has been around for over a decade.

Jenkins allows you to run builds in continuous integration. As soon as a developer checks in code into the source repository, you can run the builds and check if everything’s fine. You can also configure periodic builds.

Jenkins enables continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous verification.

Jenkins allows you to create pipelines to automate deployment.

In the world of microservices, Jenkins is a must have in your arsenal.

Make Use Of Docker

Today, we are in a containerized world. Docker has changed how the world looks at deployment.

Today, every cloud provider and deployment environments supports containers. Kubernetes provides an awesome solution for container archestration.

Docker should be on your list of things to learn.

Check Out Kubernetes

A very important feature that all microservices need to have is auto scaling. When a microservice is deployed, it needs to be immediately responsive to changes in load, causing it to increase or decrease the number of instances as required.

Kubernetes provides all the necessary features that you need to monitor the applications, so that the deployed containers can be effectively managed (this is called container orchestration).

Use SonarQube

SonarQube is an awesome tool the check the code quality of your application. It not only checks how good the design is, but also gives feedback on the quality of the code written.

It is a good idea to include SonarQube as part of your continuous integration builds, ensuring good quality of the code base.

Do Consider Using Headless Chrome

Automation testing of a web application becomes much easier, if you use a headless browser. Headless Chrome is a great addition to this space.

Do check out our video on the same topic:

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In this article, we introduced you to five programming related tools that we believe will make you more productive, and the application you develop, a better one.

Do you have any tools that you recommend? Leave a comment.

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